Shotgun Reloading - part seven

Since the shotgun has such potential to deliver a wide range of rounds, how do we change from buckshot to beanbag?

The police and perhaps the military solve that problem by preloading two different shotguns.  One will be painted an orange or green to indicate a load different from the department/unit authorized load.  

Unfortunately, I’m not likely to be carrying two shotguns, one with #4 shot and the other with slug.  But yet I can see a need, a possibility, to reach out past 30 yards with power and authority, i.e. a slug. 

Remember is not PhD level shotgun.  This is striving to earn our BA.   

The easiest way to add either slug or bean bag is to always download your shotgun by one round at the beginning and keep it that way.   

Yes, it means having a total of 1 in the chamber and 5 in the magazine instead of 6.  Adding a specialized round then becomes a matter of slipping one of now needed rounds in the magazine and cycling the gun.   

No matter what, mounted or de-mounted, topping off the shot gun is the same independent of the type of round, if you have room for one more.
 This ejects a live round (of course you could shoot it if needed) and chambers the desired round.  If you have time, you can now load a second of the same round.

This technique works for semi and manual pump shotguns.  Frankly, Semi-autos are a little more finicky, but you can master their round change.

If you have a shotgun that has a magazine cut-off switch or a conversion from auto to manual switch or other plot complications, you need to master these controls.  The type of reload should vary with your changing skill set and type of weapon.  How you carry your reloads and other equipment will depend on your shooting skills and the weapon you choose.

Good luck!  I’m rooting for you.
