The AR at Home

Is the AR-15 a viable home defense weapon?  There are a lot of pros and some significant cons to this.

My AR weights 12 pounds and I'm utilizing the 'death-grip' so I can hold it in the ready position for an extended period

Understand that in today’s social climate, self-defense shootings, especially with an AR, will attract media attention and will bring pressure on the prosecutor to take you to trial.  In these cases, it may be in your best interest to CYA.  That is, Can You Articulate your reasons for selecting the weapon? 

A study published by Meyer in "The Jury Expert" Sept. 2009 suggests that the assault rifle tag and military appearance of the AR can lead to heavier sentencing and a bias against its user. 

I find it ironic the Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle with a wood stock (

has the same functionality as the AR but is perceived as less dangerous.  This could be a significant factor in your decision-making process.

The AR has many advantages.  Perceived problems from defending yourself with the AR have easy solutions.

The AR-15, when set up correctly, is a relatively light rifle with mild recoil.  The role of the home defense weapon is significantly different from your personal weapon.  The home defense weapon must meet the physical limitations of a pool of authorized users.  The rifle size and adjustable butt stock means that your teenage daughter, your son the football player, your grandmother and yourself can utilize the rifle with high levels of success.

Can every authorized user handle the home self-defence AR?

Concerns about over penetration are significant factors.  Will the round leave the room?  Leave the house?  Penetrate my neighbor’s house?  Various police departments like the FBI and the Detroit PD have shown that using the right round will prevent these problems.  A 55gr jacket soft or hollow point with standard velocity usually stays within the human body. 

Less reassuring than you would like?  Move to 40gr plastic tip varmint loads.  These rounds are very effective and are safer loads.  They are significantly more likely to be retained in your walls, making it safer for your neighbors while still providing stopping power.

Your rifle should be fitted with a light and a reflex dot.  The ability to confirm your target's identity before engaging is priceless.  The dot greatly simplifies aiming the rifle and retains high accuracy for all experienced users.  Using a dot or reflex sight in total darkness doesn't work—the light output of the red dot blinds you in darkness.  Put a weapon light on anything with a dot.

Massad Ayoob considers the home defense rifle as artillery, a weapon utilized from a fixed position, usually guarding the room you have selected to gather your family.  This room should be pre-selected to reflect the physical limitations of your family, the layout of your house, and pinch points of control.  Invest your time and do this in advance.

Do you need 28 rounds?  Yes.  Today’s home invaders are more vicious and are graduates of the prison training system.

Experience has shown us multiple intruders are common.  They will move rapidly, may use cover, and advance on you.  They will have no trouble or concerns about having multiple reloads or guns.  Faced with such an environment, it is prudent to have more ammunition without reloading. 

Actual image from home security.  How many invaders do you count?

A magazine can be prefilled and quickly loaded.  Preventing unauthorized access to the weapon and retaining fast access during an emergency remains a problem.  You can ameliorate this problem by improving the security precautions in your house, giving you more time to gather family and ready the rifle.  This also gives you time to get the professionals moving.  There are many videos and websites which can guide you through the application of thin reinforcing films on glass, longer screws in hinges and door locks, solid doors, door chains, alarms, and other security steps.

All of this, all your preparations, and the money spent only have value if you practice or understand your weapon.  The person with the least training, the least experience can be your weakest link.  Ensure that everyone knows how to load, fire the AR, and hit their target.  Batteries in both the dot and light should be changed at regular intervals and after heavy training.  Keep your AR mechanically sound and utilize components from trusted manufacturers.  Both your ammunition and rifle must be reliable and work every time.

Your ability to articulate why you selected this tool, components, and weapon setup can make a difference in court.  Your ability to use your weapon system effectively at O Dark Thirty will be the difference between life and death.

