Random Thoughts

I’m reading the “Warrior Mindset” by Michael Asken, Lt.Col. Dave Grossman and Loren Christensen. 

What’s it about?  Leadership, mental toughness, fear, stress, and coping with them are a few of the answers.  To me these kinds of books are more about how they relate to my situation and my needs than an abstract reference.  I don’t expect to lead men into battle or rush to the sound of disaster.  I do expect to have meetings with customers and supervisors, deal with co-workers and manage activities.  Many of the mental challenges faced by police and military have diluted but parallel existence in civilian life.  Double that if you carry a gun.

This would be a good book to have on your bookshelf.  It would be a better book to actually read.

Following Sandy Hook many people sought to find a solution to gun violence.  Many politicians and a sizable portion of the population took the easy way out. 
The easy way? That’s anything that doesn’t require introspection leading to the hard work of changing people and practices.  Instead it’s much easier to blame objects like high capacity magazines or bayonet lugs for the evil men do.  

Well, for that crowd I suggest you check out the mass killing in China.

A confrontation involving axes, knives, at least one gun and ending with the burning down of a house left 21 people dead in China's troubled far-west region of Xinjiang, a government spokeswoman said on Wednesday, calling it a "terrorist attack".

It was the deadliest violence in the region since July 2009, when Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, was rocked by clashes between majority Han Chinese and minority Uighurs that killed nearly 200 people.

Nine residents, six police and six ethnic Uighurs were killed in Tuesday's drama, said Hou Hanmin, spokeswoman for the Xinjiang government.

It was not immediately clear how many burnt to death.

Evil finds a way.  The gun?  One police officer had a gun.

On a slightly different note, have you ever wondered why you seldom see pictures of police in North Korea or China wearing a gun?  Could it be their government fears the consequence of having an armed population?  At home our government wants to control our access to firearms.  Do you see any kind of relationship or precautionary tale here?

I like the police. No. I really do.  I accept they are fallible men and women with all the weaknesses, strengths and vanities found in each of us.  Despite this they do a job that is so hard.  I couldn’t do it for more than a day.  But, I don’t mind pointing out some of the less than stellar moments, especially if we can learn from them.

Chief Beraraducci has an accidential discharge and shoots self
Being shot has to hurt.  Shooting yourself, oh yeah, you're in a world of pain!
The Akron paper of April 19 2013 reports that Medina Police Chief Berarducci shot himself while holstering his .40 S&W.  It seems he was at home, getting ready for work but the details of the AD are missing.  Finger on trigger?  New holster?  Old and improper holster?  Just plain carelessness?  New gun?
I’m glad he’s all right, but handling a gun takes all your attention.  You can’t let your mind wander to what’s for lunch or weekend activities.  Two of the most potentially dangerous gun activities are holstering and drawing your weapon.  

In a conflict, prematurely discharging your weapon at best puts you one round down.  At worst it could mean killing someone, including yourself, you promised to protect.

Make sure your gun fits the holster, you’re familiar both holster and handgun operation and mastered both skills.  Replace worn or faulty equipment as soon as you’re aware of the problem.  If there’s anything worse than kitchen-table gunsmithing, it’s shoddy holster repair.
