Farnam on the Opening of the Zimmerman Trial

John Farnam is one of several firearm trainers I have had the good fortune to train under.  He routinely publishes his observations on the firearms community as well those acts and things that impact us.  Either he or I are growing more insightful as I find his comments interesting and on target.

He is, as are many of us, watching the Zimmerman trial through the distorting lens of the new media.  I found his initial observations different enough from my own to ask him if I could republish them here.  John was nice enough to green light my request.

I’ll let John speak in his own words:

Anti-Gun Prosecutors:

I do not currently have an opinion on the Zimmerman Case, now being  prosecuted in FL, but it is curious that, in his opening arguments, the prosecutor brutally vilified the practice of citizens going armed, even though the  practice is perfectly legal.

 He made a big deal about the fact that, at the time and place of the incident in question, Zimmerman was carrying two flashlights and a pistol that was "fully loaded."  Both of these activities were, as noted, perfectly legal,and most will agree, perfectly reasonable for someone with a security function performing his duties at night.

What is most disturbing is that this anti-gun prosecutor seems to be making the case that the only proper role for a citizen is that of victim.  Being a "good little victim" is apparently the only correct aspiration for any citizen.

I suspect that any species of personal precaution, no matter how reasonable or sensible, would be cynically reviled by this prosecutor, and many others.  He even censures the practice of carrying a flashlight at night!

  All of us need to be prepared for this kind of vile, unjust criticism when anything we do garners the attention of the media, or the criminal justice system.  To many of them, our lives and personal safety
mean nothing!

Comments anyone?
