Mass shooter in Dayton, attempting to shoot his way into night club |
“Every mass shooter is deranged,
either sociopathically (doesn’t care about others given his own goals) or
psychopathically (actually enjoys the pain and horror he causes). If they can’t
do it with guns, they do it with explosives (Oklahoma City), trucks (Nice),
airplanes (9/11), poison (Tokyo), arson (Kyoto) or any other of a thousand
other ways.” Robert B. Young, MD
The above quote is from Robert B.
Young’s review of “America, Guns and Freedom” written by Dr. Faria.
I have long subscribed to this view
despite my non-medical credentials. VCA
(violent criminal actor) also have many of these same traits. Do not be fooled into thinking that because
it is a special holiday or event, a crowded environment, or a ‘safe’ place that
you are inherently safe because nobody would/could commit a violent crime.
Do not fool yourself into thinking
you have some unique insight to the VCA mind or motivation. You do not.
Trained psychiatrists are constantly fooled as most VCA are very adept at
mind games and lies. What do you think
are your chances to outthink a VCA you’ve never met?
The best tactical advice is to
judge people by their actions, not their words.
Anyone not behaving as you would expect in the current circumstance
deserves to be watched carefully.
While it may be unappetizing to
your sense of morality, self-identity, or beliefs, your best option may be to
exit with your family and loved ones before anything occurs.
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